Two bits of news here – first off, I am very proud to announce that last summer my short story, Stone Soup, was awarded 1st Place in the 2017 League of Utah Writers Short Fiction contest.
There were many times, as my children were growing up, when I wished for even the simplest of magics that might make our lives easier—particularly during those difficult times between jobs, when the pantry routinely resembled Mother Hubbard’s cupboard. And while all magic comes with a price, I don’t know of many mothers who wouldn’t gladly pay it if it meant their children were better off.
Stone Soup is a lovely little story (if I do say so myself), and I’m glad the judges agreed!
And now you can read Stone Soup and judge for yourself.
The story has been included in A Year of the Monkeys, an anthology of short fiction by the “Infinite Monkeys” chapter of the League of Utah Writers. How cool is that!
A Year of the Monkeys is available in print and ebook formats.
Visit and order a copy from your favorite online retailer.