When you start tossing ideas around, you never really know which ones are going to stick together in ways that make you tilt your head sideways, start to smile, and know you have to see where it takes you. So when the words the words “workaholic” and “ghost” stuck to my whiteboard, I knew I had to play with the idea.
I’m glad I did. Because while the ghost of Harold Oglethorpe never got that last in-flight cookie, his story, Silver Linings, did find a home in Mark Leslie’s wonderful anthology, Obsessions.
It’s a fun, quirky story, that I enjoyed writing. And, as editor Mark Leslie said in his introduction, “Like Mattie’s unfortunate workaholic colleague, I’m sure this tale will linger in the air long after you finish it.”
You can get your own copy of Obsessions from your favorite online retailer.